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Class Titles

A dog gains a Class Title, when in a specific class it has earned 5* CAC from any show OR 3* CAC of which at least one is traditional.


Junior Champion - JCH

Intermediate Champion - ICH

Champion (open class) - CH

Working Champion - WCH

Veteran Champion - VCH


You do not need to apply for these titles, they come in effect when a dog fills the requirements. You can however fill in a certificate if you want to.

Other Titles

The following titles have specific requirements which do not include collecting CACs.


International Beauty Champion - C.I.B

Dog needs to gain 3* CACIB.


Supreme Quality - SQ

Dog has placed BIS and/or BIG total of three (3) times.


Junior Country Champion - xx JCH

Junior Champion dog needs to earn EXC grade in a Country Show to earn a pre-chosen junior country title.


Country Champion - xx CH

Previously class titled (excluding Junior class) dog needs to earn EXC grade in a Country Show to earn a pre-chosen country title.


Excellence Grade - EXC1, EXC2..

Previously class titled dog needs 20*EXC grades for EXC1, then 10 EXC for each next grade.


Champion Gala Winner - CG-xx

This is a special title awarded to the best champion dogs at the end of each year at a special show.

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